国际教育学院关于 2024级巴基斯坦籍学生Faraz Mohsin的 退学决定


2024级巴基斯坦籍学生Faraz Mohsin



Faraz Mohsin,巴基斯坦籍,性别:男, 出生日期:2003731日,护照号:DX8914503,系我校2024级临床医学专业留学生。












Decision of International Education College

On Dropping out of School of Faraz Mohsin

Faraz Mohsin, Pakistani, male, date of birth: July 31, 2003, Passport number: DX8914503, is an international student majoring in Clinical Medicine in 2024 Batch, International Education College, Hebei North University.

He got fainted twice during class on February 24, 2025, and anther twice faint on February 27. After preliminary examination, he suffered from severe anxiety and mental illness, ECG reflecting T-wave inversion, etc., but the causes of faintness was unknown. The school allowed him to return home for medical treatment due to health and safety concerns. (He arrived in Pakistan on 1 March.) 

Based on the provisions of Article 35, Paragraph 5, Chapter 7 of the Regulations for the Management of International Student Registration of Hebei North University, after careful discussion, he is considered not suitable for further study in the university, should drop out of school.


                            International Education College

                              Hebei North University
